The Lion Inside Blog

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Chuck Brown: The role of a puppet designer

Bringing Rachel Bright and Jim Field’s lion book, The Lion Inside to life required the skill and dedication of master puppet makers. Here, we take a look at Chuck Brown’s role in the process and her previous theatre credits.

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What do lions eat in the zoo?

Lions are known for their cautious stalking approach to hunting, and in the wild they primarily eat large mammals such as zebra, wildebeest, buffalo and antelope.

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Does the moon affect a lion’s behaviour

We often hear of the moon affecting various animals’ behaviour. Let’s delve into what happens on the plains of the Serengeti when the moon is full.

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Make Your Own Lion Finger Puppets

If you’re an artistic family and love getting creative with your children, making lion finger puppets could be a great way to spend quality time together. Here are some simple lion puppet instructions to follow:

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Why male lions have manes and what it means

Lions have a commanding presence which is in part enhanced by the males’ majestic manes. In the meantime, let’s take a closer look at lions’ manes and what they signify.

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How do lions hunt in the wild?

As the Easter holidays draw near, you may be wondering what indoor activities in London with the family are available. Children know that lions need to eat much bigger animals to survive, but how exactly do they hunt in the wild?

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5 facts you didn’t know about lions

Many children’s books use animals to teach kids about life. here are five things they may not know about these majestic beasts.

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The subspecies of lions

Lions are commonly known as the ‘king of the jungle’ thanks to their majestic appearance and powerful physiques. Let’s look at the differences between them.

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The differences between lions in the wild and lions in the zoo

If you’ve seen documentaries about lions on the TV, you may have noticed that their behaviour is rather different in the wild than it is at your local zoo or big cat sanctuary. Here, we take a look at the differences between lions in the wild and at the zoo.

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Lion vs lioness: Who is the better hunter?

Lions are one of Africa’s best-loved animals. In fact, lions can be a key part of a successful hunt. But which is the better hunter?

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